Quantum Technologies – Trends and Implications for Cyberdefence (Semi-annual report 2024/1)

The rapid advancement of quantum technologies presents both unprecedented opportunities and profound challenges for enterprises across industries. As quantum capabilities mature, organizations must proactively assess their readiness and strategize to harness the...

Identifying Emerging Technologies and Influential Companies Using Network Dynamics of Patent Clusters

Abstract The need for dependable and real-time insights on technological paradigm shifts requires objective information. We develop a lean recommender system which predicts emerging technology by a sequential blend of machine learning and network analytics. We...

A Novel Algorithm for Informed Investment in Cybersecurity Companies and Technologies

Abstract We introduce a novel recursive algorithm that analyzes and ranks the relative influence that companies and technologies have in a technology landscape. The algorithm also incorporates exogenous variables that reflect investor preferences. The results provide...

Identification of Future Cyberdefense Technology by Text Mining

Abstract We propose a reproducible, automated, scalable, and free method for automated bibliometric analysis that requires little computing power. We explain how firms can use this method with open source data from public repositories to generate unbiased insights...

Measuring security development in information technologies: A scientometric framework using arXiv e-prints

Abstract We study security-development patterns in computer-science technologies through (i) the security attention among technologies, (ii) the relation between technological change and security development, and (iii) the effect of opinion on security development. We...