Trends in Large Language Models: Actors, Applications, and Impact on Cybersecurity

The Haute Ecole de Gestion (HEG) of the Applied University of Western Switzerland (HES-SO) collaborated with the Cyber-Defence Campus on a technology monitoring project on the theme of Large Language Models and their progression, notably in relation to cyber-defence....

Quantum Technologies – Trends and Implications for Cyberdefence (Semi-annual report 2024/1)

The rapid advancement of quantum technologies presents both unprecedented opportunities and profound challenges for enterprises across industries. As quantum capabilities mature, organizations must proactively assess their readiness and strategize to harness the...

Fundamentals of Generative Large Language Models and Perspectives in Cyber-Defense

Abstract Generative Language Models gained significant attention in late 2022 / early 2023, notably with the introduction of models refined to act consistently with users’ expectations of interactions with AI (conversational models). Arguably the focal point of...