This page presents dashboards to visualize technology trends. This dynamic tool is developed in collaboration with Eraneos, Treebute, and Effixis. The list below gives access to each dashboard of the technologies presented in the Springer book “Trends in Data Protection and Encryption Technologies” published in August, 2023. A podcast summarizing the main findings of the book is available below the table.

Technology Book ChapterEffixis Media and News AnalysisGoogle
Search Trends
Main DashboardLink
Encryption Foundations
One-time PadLink
Symmetric CryptographyLink
Asymmetric EncryptionLink
Key ManagementLinkLink
Hash FunctionsLink
Zero-knowledge ProofLinkLink
Random Number GeneratorLink
Homomorphic EncryptionLinkLink
Quantum Key DistributionLink
Post-quantum CryptographyLinkLink
Low-level ApplicationsLink
Functional EncryptionLink
Identity-based CryptographyLink
Multi-party Threshold CryptographyLink
Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Digital SignatureLinkLink
Hardware Security ModuleLink
Secure Multi-Party ComputationLink
High-level Applications
Trusted Execution EnvironmentLinkLink
Confidential ComputingLink
Hardware AccelerationLink
Security-focused Operating SystemLinkLink
Electronic VotingLink
Data in Transit SecurityLink
Tunneling and VPNLink
Data Protection
Differential PrivacyLinkLink
Digital Rights ManagementLink
Secure MediaLink
Secure Positioning and Localization
Secure PaymentLink
Disk, File and Database EncryptionLink
Email SecurityLink
Secure MessagingLink
Secure SmartphoneLink
This table summarizes the structure of the book. Each technology is analyzed in a book chapter, and custom dynamic dashboards are proposed for each technology.
Podcast presenting the main results of the study
Dr. Alain Mermoud and Valentin Mulder present the study’s most interesting results.
Full Book

Source: Springer