LLM-Resilient Bibliometrics: Factual Consistency Through Entity Triplet Extraction

Abstract: The increase in power and availability of Large Language Models (LLMs) since late 2022 led to increased concerns with their usage to automate academic paper mills. In turn, this poses a threat to bibliometrics-based technology monitoring and forecasting in...

Identifying Emerging Technologies and Influential Companies Using Network Dynamics of Patent Clusters

Abstract The need for dependable and real-time insights on technological paradigm shifts requires objective information. We develop a lean recommender system which predicts emerging technology by a sequential blend of machine learning and network analytics. We...

Fundamentals of Generative Large Language Models and Perspectives in Cyber-Defense

Abstract Generative Language Models gained significant attention in late 2022 / early 2023, notably with the introduction of models refined to act consistently with users’ expectations of interactions with AI (conversational models). Arguably the focal point of...