Fundamentals of Generative Large Language Models and Perspectives in Cyber-Defense

Abstract Generative Language Models gained significant attention in late 2022 / early 2023, notably with the introduction of models refined to act consistently with users’ expectations of interactions with AI (conversational models). Arguably the focal point of...

Measuring security development in information technologies: A scientometric framework using arXiv e-prints

Abstract We study security-development patterns in computer-science technologies through (i) the security attention among technologies, (ii) the relation between technological change and security development, and (iii) the effect of opinion on security development. We...

Cyber-Defence Campus Annual Report 2022

Foreword 2022 was a groundbreaking year for developments in the field of artificial intelligence. The company OpenAI unveiled two AI-based systems, DALL-E 2 and ChatGPT, which are able to automatically generate images respectively texts of such high quality that they...