Several severe cyberincidents are pushing the Swiss federal government to take extensive measures against cyberthreats. The National Strategy for the protection of Switzerland against Cyber risks 2018-2022 (NCS) details the various measures that the government is implementing to adapt Switzerland to the emerging cybersecurity challenges. The NCS delegates to the Cyber- Defence Campus (CYD Campus) of armasuisse S + T the role of monitoring cybersecurity trends. For this purpose, the CYD Campus and its stakeholders from academia and industry have developed qualitative and quantitative technology-intelligence methods for early identification and anticipation of technology development. This report focuses on four technologies of importance for cybersecurity: 5G, Big Data & Machine Learning, Blockchain and Contact-Tracing methods. Interest in these emerging technologies is quickly gathering pace, as is visible thanks to data analytics methods using data on job openings, patents and publications. Relevant startups and companies in Switzerland and abroad have also been identified through data-driven methods and with the help of scouting efforts in startup centers around the world. Overall, this report describes the efforts to identify, analyse and forecast trends related to cybersecurity technologies. Therefore, the insights therein allow for more informed decision-making in technology investment, technology assessment, as well as technology roadmapping.
Technology Review
Cybersecurity-Technologies-An-Overview-of-Trends-Activities-in-Switzerland-and-AbroadSource: SSRN
@article{tsesmelis2022cybersecurity, title={Cybersecurity Technologies: An Overview of Trends \& Activities in Switzerland and Abroad}, author={Tsesmelis, Michael and Percia David, Dimitri and Maillart, Thomas and Dolamic, Ljiljana and Tresoldi, Giorgio and Lacube, William and Barschel, Colin and Ladetto, Quentin and Sch{\"a}rer, Claudia and Lenders, Vincent and others}, journal={Thomas and Dolamic, Ljiljana and Tresoldi, Giorgio and Lacube, William and Barschel, Colin and Ladetto, Quentin and Sch{\"a}rer, Claudia and Lenders, Vincent and Cuche, Kilian and Mermoud, Alain, Cybersecurity Technologies: An Overview of Trends \& Activities in Switzerland and Abroad (January 20, 2022)}, year={2022} }