A scouting activity allows the detection of weak signals for technology monitoring and forecasting. For instance, through its qualitative scouting, the Cyber-Defence Campus (CYD) identifies interesting startups and partners in Switzerland and abroad that meet the requirements of the DDPS. The program is primarily aimed at emerging companies, but sometimes also at established companies that can offer innovative products. A network with partners such as Swissnex, Swisscom, PlugandPlay, various startup accelerators, venture capital firms, and Embassies and other institutional actors has already been established to scan key markets for new trends in cyber technologies systematically. From a geographical perspective, the focus is on regions with high-performing startups.
- Switzerland: Trust Valley, Crypto Valley, and Inno-space Zurich.
- United States: Metropolitan areas around Silicon Valley, Washington DC, Boston, New York, Seattle, and Austin.
- Israel: Armed Forces unit 8200 generates top cybersecurity talents.
- United Kingdom: Renowned universities and a large defense budget contribute to the startup scene.
- France: Cyberpol in Rennes promotes work in cyber security.
- Germany: Support from organizations such as the Institute for Cyber Defence at the Bundeswehr University Munich.
- Estonia: Location of NATO’s CCDCOE as well as a state with a high level of digitization.
- Singapore: The state has one of the highest per capita defense expenditures in the world.
Source: Revue Militaire Suisse