Technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous systems and quantum technologies are changing the world, and the way it operates. These and other emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) present both risks and opportunities for countries. That’s why it is important to work with public and private sector partners, academia and civil society to develop and adopt new technologies, establish international principles of responsible use and maintain the technological edge.
Research topics
5G Artificial Intelligence arXiv Asset Pricing Bayesian Statistics BERT Bi-partite Networks Bibliometrics Big Data Blockchain Collective Intelligence Contact Tracing Critical Infrastructure Crunchbase Cryptocurrency Cyberdefence Cybersecurity Data Management Data Protection Deep Learning Digital Transformation Distributed Ledger Emerging Technologies Encryption High Skilled Labor Information Retrieval Large Language Model Link Prediction Machine Learning Malware Natural Language Processing OpenAlex Opinion Mining Portfolio Optimization Privacy Private Equity Quantitative Finance Quantum Computing Recommender System Recurrent Neural Network Risk Analysis S-curve Scientometrics Security Economics Semantic Tagging Social Network Analysis Taxonomy Technology Analysis Technology Assessment Technology Convergence Technology Forecasting Technology Intelligence Technology Management Technology Mining Technology Monitoring Technology Outlook Technology Scouting Text Mining Threat Intelligence Times Series Transformers Trend Analysis Venture Capital Wikipedia Zero-shot Learning
The Swiss Technology Observatory
EPFL Innovation Park
Building I
1015 Lausanne